Zeit für Erkundungen mit esplora

Paul the loggerhead turtle rescued and finally released

Paul the turtle, one of Il-Majjistral Nature and History Park’s former patients, was finally released back into the wild yesterday, after having made a full recovery.

The male loggerhead turtle was found in Żurrieq near Filfla, with rather serious injuries and was rescued by a fisherman in May. He was found to have ingested a hook and following surgery and rehabilitation, Paul made a full recovery and was strong enough to be released, by the Environment Resources Authority (ERA).

Watch Paul’s release video here:

The release of the loggerhead marked the start of the Nature Trust’s guided snorkelling tours in Malta’s coastal waters. “Snorkelling has the potential to enhance public participation in the conservation of marine biodiversity when developed within an environmental education framework,” said the ERA.

The Nature Trust’s snorkelling tours provide people with the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the “diversity of habitats and species associated with the marine environment and thus, raise awareness on the need for marine conservation,” they added.

Snorkel trails to indeed aid in the development of ecological awareness and contribute to conservation efforts within protected areas in Maltese waters.

18 Marine Protected Areas, which cover a total of 4,500 sq.km, or 35% of Malta’s fisheries management zone, were designated throughout the period between 2008 and 2018. The areas seek the conservation of a number of habitats, including sandbanks, reefs and caves and Posidonia meadows, as well as species like turtles, seabirds and dolphins.