le temps d'explorer avec esplora

Second edition of Mużika Mużika receives 170 applications

Second edition of Mużika Mużika receives 170 applications

Earlier this year, Festival Kanzunetta Malta saw its return through Mużika Mużika, with great feedback from both local artists and audiences, with more than 320,000 viewers over the span of three days.

For the last few months, Festivals Malta has been campaigning for the second edition of Mużika Mużika, as the agency opened submissions in July. Last Friday, they announced that the applications were officially closed, resulting in a total of 170 submissions from local artists.

Raymond Bugeja, Mużika Mużika chairman, commented that a rise in submissions was to be expected after the success of the first edition of the festival.

“The turnout for this year’s edition of the festival has exceeded that of last year’s, strengthening the importance of the festival within the cultural calendar as it proves the platform Maltese music rightly deserves,” he concluded.

The Festivals Malta team will now be proceeding to the second phase, as the submitted songs will be evaluated by an expert jury. These will be shortlisted to 35 songs, which will go through the process of a live audition, in front of a different set of judges. After that, 20 semi-finalist songs will be chosen, which will be joined by the winner of the TV programme Mużika Mużika – Il-Vjaġġ Ikompli, as they go on to compete in the second edition of Mużika Mużika, between the 24th and 26th of March, 2022.

For more information about the second edition, visit the website here.