WATCH: Maxine Pace Wins Mużika Mużika

In a stunning debut performance at the Mużika Mużika festival, 24-year-old Maxine Pace captured the hearts of audiences and judges alike with her rendition of ‘Mhux Tal-Ahhar’.

The song delves into the depths of loss, resonating with anyone who has experienced the pain of losing someone dear. 

Behind the evocative melody and touching lyrics lies the brilliant collaboration of composer Cyprian Cassar and lyricist Emil Calleja Bayliss. Their artistic synergy created a masterpiece that captured the essence of Maxine’s heartfelt emotions, allowing her to deliver a performance that moved the audience to tears.

In the fiercely competitive arena of Maltese music, local group Kantera claimed a respectable second place with their captivating performance, while Maltese tenor Cliff Zammit Stevens secured the third spot, showcasing the incredible depth of talent present at Mużika Mużika.