Lights, Camera, Action — It's Your Time to Shine at the Frantic Film Challenge 2023!

Gozo and Malta — Unleash your creativity and filmmaking prowess in the most thrilling weekend event of the year, which will take place between 4-6 August!

The 2023 Frantic Film Challenge (FFC) is here, inviting all amateur and professional filmmakers on the islands to a weekend of whirlwind cinema creation amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Gozo and Malta.

Are you up for the challenge of creating a short film in just one weekend? From scriptwriting, casting, filming and editing, to scoring and producing, your team will have the opportunity to shine in this exciting, quick-fire competition which is open to absolutely anyone; from top directors and actors to hobbyist filmmakers and weekend actors looking for a bit of fun.

Registration opens on 1 July, giving you ample time to gather your team ready for the starting gun on 4 August. On this day,  competition’s launch will be livestreamed, with the FFC kicking off as teams receive their film genre, prop, and character directives.

Then, the clock starts ticking immediately. The frantic part now begins as teams will have until the stroke of midnight on Sunday, 6 August, to submit their films.

That’s just one weekend to create a finished short film from absolute scratch!

Open to teams of all sizes (indeed, solo teams are welcome) and all skill levels, from all corners of Malta and Gozo — and even beyond if you happen to be visiting on the first weekend in August.

This second annual FFC aims to celebrate the diverse talents within our film-loving community. Whether you’re a seasoned director, a budding cinematographer, a group of actor friends, or an absolute novice with a smartphone and a vision, there’s a place for you in the Frantic Film Challenge.

Winners will be announced on 18 August 2023, with prizes for different categories, film screenings, and a huge amount of fun.

As an additional highlight, the Best Film will be screened to the public on the opening night of the Gozo Film Festival.

Remember, in this challenge, creativity reigns supreme. It’s never about who has the most expensive camera or the most experienced cast and crew; rather, it’s about who has the most passion. With genre and “last minute” directives as your guiding lights, the story is entirely up to you. So, grab your camera or phone, rally your team, and above all, enjoy the process! Don’t miss out on this thrilling opportunity! Register as soon as possible and prepare to immerse yourself in the world of cinematic storytelling.

For further inquiries, send an email to or directly to the organisers, Sean at or Jayne at

For a detailed breakdown of rules, participation requirements, and more, visit the website here

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