time to explore with esplora

Maltese Feasts Taking Place This Week – 1– 6 August 2023

Maltese Feasts Taking Place This Week – 1– 6 August 2023

There is no better place in Malta to hang out with the locals than during a Maltese festa

The Maltese have a strong devotion to their patron saints, and every year the local festa, which is essentially a religious event, is celebrated in their honour. Depending on the number of churches in the area, each village honours a different patron saint or two. Every church is named after a different saint. As a result, some towns hold many feasts throughout the year.

The festa’s organisation is entrusted to the local band groups, often in partnership with parishioners. Every week, a number of localities in Malta are ordained with pavilions, banners, flags and wooden pillars with a life-sized statues of saints. For the local community, this is a moment of immense joy. In reality, the festa is steeped in a plethora of traditions and rituals.

Thus, OhMyMalta has compiled a list of feasts taking place this week!

St. Joseph, Qala, Gozo

Christ Our Saviour, Lija

Our Lady of Lourdes, San Gwann

St. Peter in Chains, Birzebbuga

St. Dominic, Valletta