Spice Your Saturday Nights Up With This Wild Stand-Up Comedy This October

For a weekend that’s a bit different, this will definitely make your Saturdays a whole lot more wild

On 7 October and continuing until 28 October in lively Gzira, guests will be able to head over to Afro Deli and Coffee and enjoy Saturday nights of inappropriate jokes and endless laughs. This event is strictly 18+ as jokesters mixed with alcohol always proves to certainly be quite scandalous. 

Entrance is free and the show begins at 9pm but be sure to head over earlier to secure your seats and table. Additionally, performing positions are also available but with only 10 available, it is extremely limited. If this is something you’ve been wanting to try, be sure to message the official Facebook or Instagram pages to secure a position as a stand-up comedian for one night. 

Guests will also be treated to Afro Deli’s delicious food to compliment the drinks and buzzing atmosphere. For more information and to book tickets, visit here. Don’t miss out as this will truly be a night to remember.