WATCH: Cliff Zammit Stevens Unveiled Latest Music Video

Cliff Zammit Stevens has unveiled his latest music video for his single ‘Fil-Qrib’, following his recent success in managing to secure third place during Mużika Mużika last month.

“At its core, ‘Fil-Qrib’ is about finding peace in the midst of chaos. With this video, we wanted to create a visual representation of that journey—a journey towards inner calm and serenity,” explains Cliff Zammit Stevens. 

Through its minimalist approach and evocative imagery, the video encourages viewers to pause, reflect, and find beauty in the simplicity of life. This was also made possible thanks to Moveo Dance Company and their artistic philosophy which revolves around the pursuit of innovation and the exploration of enigmatic concepts within their performances. A cornerstone of their work lies in the continuous study of the moving human body, ensuring that their creations remain dynamic and ever-evolving. The body in performance serves as a captivating canvas, presenting a rich spectrum of possibilities that encompass elements of identity, cultural diversity, and social behaviours.

“We believe that art has the power to transcend boundaries and touch the soul,” adds Steven Levi Vella. “With ‘Fil-Qrib,’ we aimed to create a piece of visual poetry that resonates with audiences on a deeply personal level.