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E-scooters: the rules and regulations

E-scooters, the ones you’ve undoubtedly seen strewn across the pavements and roads all over the island, serve as an environmentally friendly and accessible, alternative mode of transport. However, as Pierre Montebello, a Transport Malta official points out, following regulations associated with them is crucial.

Around a year and a half ago, some laws came into force, saying that e-kickscooters can only be used by one person at a time and not on any arterial roads. There’s more…

Here are all the regulations associated with scooters:

With regards to insurance, the scooters must be registered with an insurance company and must include third-party insurance. They can be driven on promenades, bike lanes, pedestrian zones and pavements, with a maximum velocity of 10km/hr. They can be driven at a speed of up to 20km/hr on the road and only in the direction of traffic.

“While operators are following the regulations – are registering them and seeing that they are insured, etc, according to the regulations we have mentioned, we have observed there are several individuals who do not do this,” said Pierre Montebello. In a nutshell, he pointed out that when an individual buys an e-kickscooter and uses it on the road, he must register it and cover it by insurance.

According to authorities, they have over 1,000 scooters registered, most of them being operators.

Scooters can only be driven by those over the age of 16 and drivers must be covered by an AM license (for mopeds). Drivers must also take the theory driving test, to ensure that the person driving knows the road and traffic regulations.

The scooters can not be left in a place that may obstruct pedestrian access, though the law does allow for them to be parked on pavements.

Are there fines associated with breaking the rules?

Yes. If caught breaching the law, fines can reach up to €1,000. Since 2018, 13 people have been involved in accidents with scooters.

How often do you use e-scooters?