Malta Named Third-Best Hiking Destination in Europe

Fomm ir-Riħ

Outdoor adventure brand Cotswold Outdoor has named Malta the third-best hiking destination in Europe in their ‘Europe’s Top Alternative Living Spots’ study. This ranking is based on a variety of factors, including the number of hiking trails per square kilometer, the presence of UNESCO World Heritage sites, and the percentage of forested areas.

Malta secured the third spot with an impressive 19,315 hiking trails spread across its 315 square kilometers. The island nation maximizes its space, offering hikers a diverse array of routes that traverse historical sites, scenic coastal paths, and picturesque countryside. Malta’s trails provide an immersive experience into the island’s rich cultural heritage and breathtaking natural landscapes, making it a top choice for hiking enthusiasts.

Dingli Cliffs

Some of the most popular trails include the routes at Fomm ir-Riħ. Dingli Cliffs and Fawwara, Għar Lapsi, Victoria Lines, Dwejra, and many more.

Għar Lapsi


Malta’s high ranking as a premier hiking destination is well-deserved. The island’s efficient use of space, combined with its wealth of trails and stunning natural and historical landmarks, makes it an exceptional choice for outdoor adventurers. Whether you’re an avid hiker or simply looking to explore on foot, Malta offers an unparalleled hiking experience that showcases the best of its natural beauty and cultural heritage.