Experience a Floral Wonderland at Festa Fjuri Tomorrow in Iklin

It’s time to step into a kaleidoscope of colours tomorrow at the 11th edition of Festa Fjuri, a spectacular floral festival hosted by the Iklin Local Council. The charming streets of Iklin will bloom from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m., creating a visual feast you won’t want to miss! Just don’t forget your camera for this one!

A Floral Extravagnza Awaits

Last year, an astonishing 10,000 flowers adorned the streets of Iklin, and this year promises to be just as breathtaking. The festival’s centrepiece is the mesmerising ‘infiorata’, featuring a stunning display of 7,000 pots of vibrant petunias, a true celebration of springtime beauty.

Wellness and Delights on Ninu Cremona Street

Ninu Cremona Street will transform into a wellness hub, offering a variety of health-focused activities and treats. Inspired by Iklin’s name, be sure to try ‘Xarba Klin,’ a refreshing rosemary-flavoured drink, along with an plenty of seasonal fruits and delectable fruit cakes.

Engage and Learn at Eco Café

Eco Café is the place to be for those who thirst for knowledge. Dive into fascinating discussions on nature and well-being with experts like Alfred Baldacchino on wildflowers, Antoine Vella on the magical world of flowers, Carmen Tedesco on culinary herbs, and Joyce Muscat on the benefits of aromatherapy. It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn something new and meet others while sipping a cup of coffee!

Hands-On Gardening Fun

Ever wanted to try your hand at gardening? Festa Fjuri encourages everyone to get involved. At the end of the event, you can take home one of the beautiful potted plants from the infiorata to brighten up your balcony, garden, or home for free.

Music, Art, and More

The festival wouldn’t be complete without some lively entertainment! Enjoy performances by the St Pius X Musical Society of Lija and the Spiteri Lucas Band. Plus, marvel at the works of talented visual artists inspired by Malta’s natural beauty. It’s a perfect blend of music, art, and nature.

Meet the Eco Warriors

Engage with various environmental NGOs and agencies, including Ambjent Malta, Project Green, ERA, Friends of the Earth, and Move for Trees. Learn about their initiatives and find out how you can contribute to positively impacting our environment.

Join the Community Spirit

The Lija/Iklin Football Youth Academy and the Iklin Scout Group will also participate in the festivities, adding to the strong sense of community and togetherness that makes Festa Fjuri so special.

For more details and updates, visit the Iklin Local Council Facebook page. Come and celebrate nature, community, and creativity at Festa Fjuri, this is certainly an event that promises to be as unforgettable as it is beautiful. 

See you there! 

For more information visit the Facebook event page here!